Success is what happens when you stay true to your values and focus on the right goals.

Dominique Senequier CEO & Founder of Ardian

Supervisory Committee

Chaired by Patrick Thomas and Vice-Chaired by Didier Deconinck, the mission of the independent Supervisory Committee is to make sure Ardian is managed to the highest standards, with a special focus on risk management. Its members safeguard and support the interests of Ardian’s key stakeholders: its LPs and co-investors, shareholders and employees.

  • Patrick Thomas

    Chairman of the Supervisory Committee

  • Didier Deconinck

    Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Committee

  • François Morrisson

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

  • Jean Michel Verhaegen

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

  • Sabine Chalmers

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

  • Rawdha Al Rumaithi

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

  • Jennifer Ferrand

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

  • Hassina Harkati

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

  • Daryl Li

    Member of the Supervisory Committee

General Management

Ardian General Management Team

Dominique Senequier

CEO and Founder

Dominique Senequier is the CEO and Founder of Ardian. Surrounded by her teams, she has been instrumental in all phases of Ardian’s development since its creation.

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Executive Committee

Chaired by Mark Benedetti and Vice-Chaired by Mathias Burghardt and Vladimir Colas, the mission of the Executive Committee is primarily to take part in the decision-making process of the Group’s ongoing key decisions and assist the General Management in helping set perspectives and objectives on crucial Group’s challenges. The Executive Committee also supports informed and sound strategic decisions, while considering and integrating different perspectives. In addition to the General Management team, the Executive Committee comprises the following members.

  • Thibault Basquin

    Co-Head of Buyout

  • Stéphanie Bensimon

    Head of Real Estate

  • François Jerphagnon

    Head of Expansion

  • Mark Brenke

    Head of Private Credit

  • François-Aïssa Touazi

    Head of Investor Relations (MENA, South-East Asia & Africa & France) & Public Affairs

  • Arnaud Chaleac

    Head of Real Assets Debt and Co-Head of Group Finance

  • Isabelle Strujan

    Co-Head of Group Finance

  • Anthony Vanden-Maagdenberg

    Global Co-Head of Legal

  • Laurent Fayollas

    Deputy Head of Infrastructure

  • Michael Ferragamo

    Head of Global Compliance & Risk

Operations Committee

Chaired by Mark Benedetti and Vice-Chaired by Mathias Burghardt and Vladimir Colas, the Operations Committee’s primary function is to assist the General Management team in determining the Group’s operation strategy, orientations and guides the development of operations and projects across teams inside the Ardian Group.

Sales Committee

Chaired by Jan Philipp Schmitz, the Sales Committee aims to assist the General Management team in shaping the fundraising strategy and monitoring the progress of each of them.

Millennial Committee

Ardian’s Millennial Committee comprises talents, all aged under 35, who meet regularly to represent the views of our younger employees, providing them with a bigger role in deciding our company’s future. The Millennial Committee makes its recommendations to Ardian’s Executive Committee.

Ardian is a strong company, thanks to its governance and the talented people it can call upon in every part of the organization.

Patrick Thomas Chairman of the Supervisory Committee