Driver of positive impact | Sustainability Report 2020


Responsible finance

Driver of positive impact | Sustainability Report 2020

  • 04 February 2021

Reading time: 3 minutes

    Ardian’s Sustainability Report focuses on three key priorities – Impact, Diversity & Equal Opportunities, and Climate – and how Ardian is tackling them within its own operations, through its investments and its portfolio companies.

    Ardian’s Sustainability Report focuses on three key priorities – Impact, Diversity & Equal Opportunities, and Climate – and how Ardian is tackling them within its own operations, through its investments and its portfolio companies.

    • 70%

      proportion of Ardian staff that are shareholder

    • 24,150

      employees in portfolio companies have benefited from profit-sharing at exit by Ardian since 2008

    • € 2.3M

      Ardian foundation’s budget to improve social mobility in 2020

    Ardian’s Sustainability Vision

    Sustainability is rising up the business agenda for companies, shareholders and investors. As one of the world’s largest private investment houses, Ardian is committed to driving positive impact on society. This commitment dates back more than a decade, but today’s ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has underlined the critical need for robust leadership on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

    Responsibility has been at the heart of Ardian’s investment philosophy for many years. But it has never felt more relevant or vital to us than now.

    Dominique Senequier, President of Ardian

    At Ardian, we have placed sustainability at the heart of our business because we are convinced that issues such as creating positive impact, reinforcing diversity and equal opportunities, and combating climate change affect the world we live in, as well as company performance and investors’ returns.

    We strongly believes that finance, including the private investment industry, is instrumental in leading the way to a more sustainable future. Our commitment to sustainability stretches far beyond simply transforming our own internal operations. We also leverage our investment expertise to drive positive impact throughout all the sectors into which we invest via our portfolio companies and underlying funds.


    Ardian has a responsibility to create positive social outcomes: provide good returns for the savers and pensioners whose money we invest; to enable the employees in our portfolio companies to share in the success they help to create, and to bene¬fit society as a whole.

    Diversity & Equal Opportunities

    Diversity is an increasingly important issue for society, and for the business community, it has become a material factor. Companies need to reflect that within their people and corporate culture to ensure that their workplaces are as inclusive as possible.


    Climate change is the defi¬ning challenge of our times. How we respond to this challenge will shape our future for generations to come. We are determined to leverage our position as an industry leader and drive positive change through our investments.

    Our new tools give us a better macro view of the impacts of our investments and make it easier to link our work with portfolio companies to the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Candice Brenet, Head of Sustainability

    In this Sustainability Report, you will discover our vision of sustainability and overview how we measure the positive impact in our portfolio companies through case studies from SLV, Europa, Opteven and EWE.

    Discover our Sustainability Report 2020