Ardian lends its support to two new stations at Orly airport and Le Bourget RER as part of the Grand Paris Express project


Press release

Ardian lends its support to two new stations at Orly airport and Le Bourget RER as part of the Grand Paris Express project

  • 08 January 2019

  • Ardian

  • France, Paris

6 minutes de lecture

Paris, 8 January 2019 - Ardian, a major nome in infrastructure and commercial estate investment, has today confirmed ils support for the Grand Paris Express artistic and  cultural  endowment  fund. Ardian  agreed  to contribute one million euros to the production of permanent artistic works in the stations "Orly Airport" and "Le Bourget RER".

Under the authority of the Société du Grand Paris, the Grand Paris Express is Europe's biggest transport infrastructure project, involving the construction of four new automated metro lines around Paris and the extension  of  two  existing lines, totalling nearly 200 km of track. The ambitious project will include 68 new stations  within the lie-de-France  area. Not just an infrastructure project, Grand Paris is also a cultural adventure on an unprecedented scale. In fact, more thon thirty stations are already under construction under the authority, for each station, of an architect and an artist in order to bring an aesthetic, sensitive and poetic dimension to the new stations.

Ardian has decided to support this initiative, with the hope of making the region more attractive, creating a more even balance between the various areas of the city and offering a new transport experience for thousands of users. A major nome in core infrastructure and commercial property, Ardian has put ils nome to this long-term project, which will bring every person closer to their destination and result in faster and more pleasant daily commutes.

The Orly Airport station is designed by the chief architect of Aéroports de Paris, François Tamisier and the Portuguese artist VHILS. With an estimated 95,000 journeys made every day, this station is a veritable economic hub. There are 173,000 jobs located within l km from the station, of which 28,000 are connected to the airport.
The Bourget RER station is designed by the duo composed of the architect Elisabeth de Portzamparc  and Jeppe Hein, a Danish artist living in Berlin. Connected to RER line B, one of the busiest in the region, the station serves 860,000 passengers every day.
According to Rémi Babine!, President of the Endowment Fund: "This is an opportunity to embark upon an extraordinary adventure as we witness the metamorphosis of our capital. A new scale, new journeys, new momentum and new directions, the future Grand Paris Express metro network will be the driving force behind  a rate of change  not seen since the 19th century. lt is essential that everyone understands the stakes, and we must shore il with the public to ensure the project fulfils ils full social potential. This project will allow us to work together, communicate,  expand and contribute  to the emergence of a culture "beyond the ringroad" and write the story of  Grand Paris. We  are very pleased with this new partnership. By offering dedicated  support  for the endowment of works, Ardian  is participating in the emergence of a new metropolitan identity and the construction of a capital on a revisited  scale, better connected, more attractive and more inclusive."

Pierre Emmanuel Becherand, Managing Director of the Endowment Fund, adds: "We are delighted with this first partnership dedicated to the production of two station works which inaugurales a new phase in the deployment of artists & architects working together. We hope to capitalise on this momentum by involving private enterprise in the realisation of the cultural and artistic Grand Paris Express."

Mathias Burghardt, Member of the Ardian Executive Committee and Head of the Infrastructure business  declares: "We are very proud to be part of this world-class project. "With the increasing urbanisation of the  lie-de-France  area, improving transport is a priority. As a company based in the heart of the regions, il was only  natural for us to gel involved with the Grand Paris Express. lt is also an opportunity  to work with  world-famous  architects  and  artists, and our collaboration will make il possible to add a touch of culture to people's daily lives."

Stéphanie Bensimon, Head of Ardian Real Estate, concludes: "lt made sense for us to support this project which serves some of the region's larges! business centres. As an investor in commercial property across the Paris area, we want to help improve the movement and experience of thousands of people as they make their way to work".


Ardian is one of the world's larges! private investment managers with €96 billion in managed/ advised assets in Europe, America and Asia. The company, which is owned mainly by ils employees, has always placed company spirit al the heart of ils approach and offers top class performance to ils international investors.

By committing to a policy of sharing ils value creation with all stakeholders, Ardian supports the growth of companies and economies around the globe.

Built on the core values of excellence, trust and company spirit, Ardian has an international network of 640 employees across fifteen offices in Europe (Frankfurt, Jersey, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Paris and Zurich), North America (New York, San Francisco), South America (Santiago) and Asia (Beijing, Singapore, Tokyo and Seoul). lt manages the assets of ils 1,000 clients via five investment divisions: Fund of Funds, Direct Funds, Infrastructure, Real Estate and Private Debt.
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Founded in 2005, Ardian Infrastructure is one of Europe's larges! infrastructure investment funds. The team has developed a long-term industrial investment strategy in a number of sectors including transport (railway, road and airports), energy (gas, electricity and renewables) and other public service infrastructures (health and environment), working closely with local public and private companies.

Launched in 2015, Ardian Real Estate invests in high-potential commercial property in continental Europe. Sorne of ils landmark deals include the purchase of the building that was home to the Europe l radio al Rue François l er in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, and the Rio Building al 2 Place Rio de Janeiro.

About la société du grand paris

The Grand Paris Express Endowment Fund was created to enable private actors to support an ambitious artistic and cultural program. These 200 km of new metro lines will also serve to circulate culture, take it further and get it moving in all directions. Art and culture participate in the construction of Greater Paris, we believe in their complementary roles when it comes to experimenting, innovating and setting in motion what was frozen. Getting involved in the cultural programming around the future metro means giving flesh to the new Paris and inviting the Great Parisians to go and discover it. Thus, through artistic creation, the Grand Paris Express Endowment Fund wants to participate in the success of the Grand Paris project and help it achieve one of its most beautiful objectives, that of giving France a new image, the image of a country of social, technological and cultural innovation.

about le fonds de dotation du grand paris express

The Grand Paris Express meets a strategic and unique challenge for the future of Île-de-France. Since the metamorphosis carried out by Prefect Haussmann during the Second Empire, it is the largest transformation project carried out in the Capital. The 68 stations of the Grand Paris Express will transform the face of the area and will participate in the development of nearly 140 km2 with the development of new districts. To build the project, the Société du Grand Paris has surrounded itself with 37 renowned architecture firms (Dominique Perrault, Kengo Kuma, Marc Barani, Jacques Ferrier, Dietmar Feichtinger, Benedetta Tagliabue...), designers (Patrick Jouin, Ruedi Baur...), engineers and urban planners, who will shape the face of the Grand Paris of tomorrow. Since the future of an entire metropolis is at stake, the Société du Grand Paris wanted to provide itself with a cultural program from the very first construction sites of the future metro. An artistic management team led by José-Manuel Gonçalves, director of the CENTQUATRE - Paris, aspires to a great artistic and cultural sharing that will embrace the city and its strengths, the network and its forms. The desire to open art to as many people as possible will continue in a social dialogue with the youth but also with the different communities, associations and companies.

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