
Ardian Analysis

Our publications and studies cover a range of topics where we provide insights of who we are and what we do but also analysis of our market.

  • EXECUTIVE BRIEF - 5th Annual One Planet Sovereign Wealth Funds Summit

    OPSWF members signal readiness to step up global efforts to finance and accelerate the mass scale-up of clean hydrogen solutions both in terms of new investments and transition assets.

    Read the brief
  • 2021 Activity Report

    Ardian is a global investment house, specializing in three broad asset classes: Private Equity, Real Assets and Credit.

    Read our 2021 Activity Report and discover how we are committing ourselves to responsible investment solutions.

    Read the report
  • Investing in Climate Action: The Case for Hydrogen

    Ardian believes large-scale hydrogen investments must be secured to accelerate the energy transition. In this publication, experts from industry, finance, and government, explore the necessary next steps to unlock the potential of hydrogen as a critical component of the energy transition.

    Read the study
  • Ardian Circle - Workshop #4

    The Ardian Circle community met for a fourth session on Inclusion and Diversity. This workshop brought together 15 participants from 12 companies in which Ardian has invested. [French only]

    Read the report
  • 2021 Sustainability Report

    Sustainability is fundamental to Ardian’s investment approach. We want to create companies that are ethically sound, socially engaged and financially resilient.

    Read our 2021 Sustainability Report and discover how we are widening our ambitions and increasing our impact.

    Read the report
  • Ardian Circle - Workshop #3

    The Ardian Circle community met for a third session on Inclusion and Diversity. This workshop on disability in the workplace brought together 15 participants from 11 companies in which Ardian has invested in.

    [French only]

    Read the report